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Give your kids adventures, not things.
Have stories to tell, not stuff to show.

We bring our young explorers through enjoyable, creative and adventurous learning journeys helping them grow as confident human beings who value people & the environment.

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We believe that learning is multi-modal and so are our adventures for the little ones. We take our little adventurers on curated journeys at Pulau Ubin, Changi beach & Park and many more. 

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Through our adventures, we want to empower the little ones to develop Resilience, Risk-taking and Creativity, growing them into confident and responsible individuals ready to take on their world of adventures ahead of them.

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Our Programme Comes in 2 Categories

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Weekly for public sign-ups

And this includes family adventures.

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School programmes customised to fit the needs of the respective schools

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Our adventures and experiences are designed for children who may seem clumsy, run ahead or trail behind the pack, topple everything over, and have to touch almost everything, and have questions that most adults can't answer.


You can expect the children to come home with new knowledge, sometimes with dirt on them and most definitely sweaty, but most definitely happy and with stories to share. 

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I sent my daughter and nieces for their 3 day holiday camp and they loved it! Really liked how they got to experience a positively charged environment and learn about mindfulness.

Diane Rodrigues

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